Perfect for any occasion
Lavish Signature Bouquet Collection | Lavish Florist
The designers at Lavish Florist's Signature Bouquet Collection possess extensive experience and creativity in floral artistry. They skillfully blend different types of flowers and foliage to create opulent and romantic bouquets. These arrangements not only showcase the beauty of the flowers but also convey emotions of love, joy, and blessings.
Lavish Signature Bouquet Collection
Freshly Crafted Bouquets Every Day
All bouquets in Lavish Florist's Signature Bouquet Collection are freshly crafted by professional florists on a daily basis. This ensures that you receive fresh and vibrant blooms, guaranteeing the quality and longevity of the bouquets. Whether you're gifting them to a loved one or treating yourself, these bouquets bring endless joy and beauty.
Lavish Signature Bouquet Collection
Suitable for Various Occasions
Lavish Florist's Signature Bouquet Collection caters to a wide range of occasions. Whether it's an anniversary celebration, birthday wishes, Lunar New Year festivities, graduation gifts, Mother's Day, marriage proposals, or expressions of gratitude, you can find a suitable bouquet. These arrangements add color and beauty to special moments, allowing your heartfelt sentiments to be perfectly expressed.
Lavish Signature Bouquet Collection
Online Ordering with Same-Day Delivery
Lavish Florist offers convenient online ordering for their Signature Bouquet Collection. With just a few simple steps, you can choose your favorite bouquet and specify the delivery address. Moreover, they provide same-day delivery service, ensuring that your bouquet arrives promptly, adding surprise and delight to your special occasion.
Free shipping on orders over $799 (does not apply to Valentine's day)
our promise
lavish florist bouquets
All our flowers are made freshly with LOVE everyday.
Send a luxurious bouquet of fresh red roses to make a statement. The Lavish Classic is the perfect gift for any special occasion, designed with Lavish Florist's Signature to make it truly stand out. Make an impact with fresh, luxurious blooms.
"Shown in Classic size"
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Frequently Asked Questions
The pricing for Lavish Florist's Signature Bouquet Collection varies depending on the type and size of the bouquet. You can find detailed pricing information for each bouquet on our official website.
Yes, Lavish Florist offers customization services for their bouquets. You can contact their florists to discuss your preferences and requirements, and they will create a unique bouquet tailored to your needs.
Yes, Lavish Florist provides All Hong Kong delivery services. No matter which district you're in, you can easily place an order and have the bouquet delivered to your specified address. (Delivery fee depends on location)
The bouquets in Lavish Florist's Signature Bouquet Collection undergo strict preservation processes before delivery to ensure their freshness. Additionally, they provide preservation tips and suggestions to help you extend the lifespan of the bouquet.
You can contact Lavish Florist's customer service team through the contact information provided on their official website, such as phone or email. They will be happy to answer your questions and assist you with the ordering process.
Whatsapp: 5722 - 5790