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Ballon - Red Rose Bouquet


Elevate any romantic occasion with the timeless elegance of the Ballon - Red Rose Bouquet by Lavish Florist. This exquisite arrangement showcases the classic beauty of red roses, making it the perfect choice to express love, passion, and affection.

The carefully selected red roses in this bouquet are known for their deep crimson hue and velvety petals, symbolizing enduring love and desire. Red roses have long been associated with heartfelt emotions and serve as a timeless declaration of love.

Lavish Florist takes great pride in their attention to detail and commitment to excellence. Their skilled florists expertly arrange the red roses, ensuring a visually stunning and captivating bouquet. The rich green foliage serves as a beautiful backdrop, enhancing the allure and beauty of the roses.

Whether it's a special anniversary, Valentine's Day, or simply a heartfelt surprise, the Red Rose Bouquet by Lavish Florist is the ultimate gesture to convey your deepest emotions. Allow the exquisite beauty and intoxicating fragrance of these roses to leave a lasting impression on your loved one.

Order the Red Rose Bouquet from Lavish Florist today and let the passion and beauty of these exquisite flowers ignite the flames of love.

"Shown in Classic size"

Sale priceHK$1,180.00 Regular priceHK$1,580.00
Save HK$400.00

Ballon - Red Rose Bouquet
Ballon - Red Rose Bouquet Sale priceHK$1,180.00 Regular priceHK$1,580.00
母親節花束 母親節花 母親節 母親節送花 Lavish Florist Mother Day's Bouquet 母親節禮物 驚喜 浪漫 即日送花 香港花店
鮮花訂購 即日送花 網上訂花 Lavish Florist 網上花店 香港花店 即日送花 送花服務 花束 香港

Our Promise


All our flowers are made freshly with LOVE everyday.

鮮花訂購 即日送花 網上訂花 Lavish Florist 網上花店 香港花店 即日送花 送花服務 花束 香港


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