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Lavender - Purple Rose Bouquet

Make her feel truly cherished with the exquisite Purple Rose Bouquet by Lavish Florist. This captivating arrangement of purple roses is the perfect way to express your admiration and affection, creating a memorable and heartfelt gift that is truly special for her.

Each purple rose in this bouquet is carefully selected for its deep and captivating hue. Purple roses are often associated with enchantment, love, and admiration, making them an ideal choice for conveying deep emotions and appreciation. Their elegant petals and alluring fragrance make them a symbol of grace and beauty.

Lavish Florist is renowned for their commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Their talented florists expertly arrange the purple roses, creating a stunning bouquet that captures the essence of elegance and romance. The bouquet is finished with delicate green foliage, adding a touch of freshness and enhancing the overall visual appeal.

Whether it's her birthday, anniversary, or any other special occasion, the Purple Rose Bouquet by Lavish Florist is a heartfelt gift that will leave a lasting impression. Show her how much she means to you by ordering this extraordinary bouquet today.


"Shown in Deluxe Size"

Sale priceHK$1,080.00 Regular priceHK$1,980.00
Save HK$900.00

Lavender - Purple Rose Bouquet
Lavender - Purple Rose Bouquet Sale priceHK$1,080.00 Regular priceHK$1,980.00
母親節花束 母親節花 母親節 母親節送花 Lavish Florist Mother Day's Bouquet 母親節禮物 驚喜 浪漫 即日送花 香港花店
鮮花訂購 即日送花 網上訂花 Lavish Florist 網上花店 香港花店 即日送花 送花服務 花束 香港

Our Promise


All our flowers are made freshly with LOVE everyday.

鮮花訂購 即日送花 網上訂花 Lavish Florist 網上花店 香港花店 即日送花 送花服務 花束 香港


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