Venus - Pink Rose Bouquet
Indulge in the Timeless Beauty of the "Venus - Pink Rose Bouquet" from Lavish Florist
Elevate your special occasion or brighten any space with the captivating "Venus - Pink Rose Bouquet" from Lavish Florist. This exquisite arrangement showcases the unparalleled elegance and romance of pink roses, the quintessential symbol of love and admiration.
Carefully curated by Lavish Florist's skilled artisans, this bouquet is a masterful blend of lush, velvety pink roses in varying shades. The delicate petals cascade gracefully, creating a visually stunning centerpiece that radiates a sense of timeless beauty and sophistication.
The "Venus - Pink Rose Bouquet" is the perfect choice for a wide range of occasions, from anniversaries and birthdays to Mother's Day and Valentine's Day celebrations. Its timeless appeal and versatile design make it a cherished gift that is sure to delight and impress the recipient.
"Shown in Deluxe Size"
Bouquet Width
- Classic Size: 35cm
- Deluxe Size: 40cm
- Luxurious Size: 45cm
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Our Promise
All our flowers are made freshly with LOVE everyday.
Delivery Terms and Conditions:
1. Order Completion Time: All orders must be placed and paid for at least 2 days in advance.
2. Basic Delivery Time: Monday to Sunday, from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
3. Free Delivery Promotion: Free delivery is available for orders totaling HKD 799 or above. (Excluding remote areas & special day, which require separate quotation).
4. Same-Day Orders: Same-day orders require prior confirmation of product availability and are subject to an additional delivery fee of HKD 100 per order.
5. Order Cut-Off Time: Orders placed online after 5:00 PM will be processed as next-day orders. Next-day orders will be treated as same-day orders.
6. Weekly Flower Delivery: Weekly flower delivery is scheduled for every Friday of the month, and the delivery fee is waived. (Excluding remote areas, which require separate quotation).
7. Specific Time Orders: If you wish to specify a particular delivery time (e.g., 2:00 PM), an additional delivery fee of HKD 140 will apply.
8. Return Policy: Once an order is placed and payment is completed, it cannot be canceled or refunded unless the flowers are found to be damaged during transportation. In such cases, please inform our delivery driver, take photos, and contact us via WhatsApp. We will arrange for a partial or full refund accordingly.
Note: The translation is provided to the best of my abilities and may not be an exact representation of the original text.